Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Kaylee is just about two weeks old now and it seems like she has always been here. It has been a crazy and exhausting two weeks, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
So updates with Kaylee. She is eating like a champ. She is so alert during the day, just looking around and being awake. Emma slept her first four weeks of life away, but not Kaylee! She is also a talker and noise maker. She is constantly making noises, while awake and asleep. Though at first I think her nights and days were confused, she has figured that out. Her first week I was averaging about 3 hours of sleep....talk about being a zombie (and grumpy...just ask Josh). Now though she is sleeping about 5 hours in one stretch during the night, so I am feeling much better. She started doing this Saturday when Josh left, she must have known that I was flying solo!
Really I'm not trying to suffocate Kaylee, she just wiggled her way down into the blanket.
Now on to Miss Emma. She is such a snuggle bug lately, and this started before Kaylee was born. She loves to hug and give me kisses, I love it! She is on the verge of walking. She can do 5-6 steps on her own before dropping to her knees. So, any day now she will be an expert. Emma also loves her sister, almost too much, she doesn't quite understand "gentle". It has definitely been hard at times. She is so young still she doesn't understand how to be patient and that she has to wait for mommy, but her face lights up and she is so happy to see Kaylee in the morning or after she hasn't seen her for awhile, so cute!
Notice the little cut by Emma's eye...from my fingernail! ....Terrible mom, I felt so bad, and boy did Emma scream when it happened. Lots of snuggles and kisses helped though! Oh--and see her purse, she carries it everywhere around the house.
Emma lovin' on Kaylee.... Giving her a kiss, notice Emma's hand right in Kaylee's face, but she didn't mind!


  1. I can't believe it’s already been two weeks! It sounds like the girls have both adjusted very well, I am happy to hear it! I know you must be exhausted, so thanks again for keeping the blog up and going, I love being able to see the girls grow and change. Love you all! Rachael

  2. It is so neat to see the pictures and read about what they are doing! It is hard being so far away and missing so much of their everyday lives. Also, could you email me Kathy's web site for her pictures of you guys? Thanks, mom

  3. Jim and Dee gave me your blog, so I tuned in. Great pictures! Congratulations. Emma and Kaylee are very cute.

  4. Yes, it does seem like Kaylee's been with us forever already. The pictures make me wish I could leave work right now and go smother them with kisses. I shared the pics with Tiffani and some others at work. I didn't realize Tiffani's twins and Emma are exactly one year apart! They'll all be celebrating on the 19th! WE'LL all be celebrating on the 19th.

  5. Yes, it does seem like Kaylee's been with us forever already. The pictures make me wish I could leave work right now and go smother them with kisses. I shared the pics with Tiffani and some others at work. I didn't realize Tiffani's twins and Emma are exactly one year apart! They'll all be celebrating on the 19th! WE'LL all be celebrating on the 19th.

  6. ahh, my girls...I miss you all. Thank you Tonya, love you, your great!
