Friday, December 11, 2009

So we started our week going into school so people could meet Kaylee, My teammates threw us a "diapers and wipes" party. We got lots of diapers and wipes, but some cute clothes also. OH--and Emma got a cute Big-Sister present. It's a purple Little People minivan with a mom and her baby...and the baby has a little stroller, so cute! Emma loves it! I have the greatest friends...thanks to all of you who helped to welcome little Kaylee!
The rest of the week was pretty quiet. Tuesday and Wednesday we stayed in the house....too cold to do anything. I think we were all in our PJs all day....both days! By Thursday I was going crazy so Emma went to Kendra's house and I ran errands. On to some pictures.... So after bath tonight...I was tending to Kaylee and found Emma in our bathroom, notice what she is playing with?!?! Not hurting anything....just funny! She looked up at me like What? when I asked her what she was doing.Some Nakey pictures. These were done when it was freezing outside...our house was warm..but I was chasing her to try to put clothes on her cause I kept thinking she must be cold, but I guess not!
So we found another show on TV that Emma likes, Yo Gabba Gabba (if you ask me it's pretty stupid). She loves it, I think it is because all of the music. It is the only show she will actually sit and watch. We were together on the couch but I thought she looked like such a big girl just sitting there all by I had to get a picture, look at her little tongue!
So most of the time Kaylee is sitting with me in my lap. Well Emma loves her and always wants to kiss, hug, hit (nice hits of course!), even share her toys with Kaylee. So here's a progression of pics I thought was funny. First, Kaylee minding her own business.
Emma...."Mama, Mama......" (she is wanting on my lap also!)
So instead I try to get a picture of her loving on Kaylee....not going to well! I told her to give Kaylee a kiss. Emma loves to touch her face, her eyes, mouth (she tries to put her hands inside) and her nose. I think it is because we have been learning and practicing this lately, but who knows?
Best I got......Aren't they cute???

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