Saturday, February 28, 2009

San Diego

Emma and I were off to San Diego on Wednesday. My mom and dad are there so we decided to go and visit them and my brother Jeremy. Here is our home while we are there: Our first full day we went to La Jolla beach and walked along the coast. Here is how Emma saw things. Scott and Maile left their double stroller from their visit so Emma sat in one side and her diaper bag in the other. Papa playing with Emma. My parents haven't seen her since early January so they were excited to see her and see how much she has grown. Emma loves talking and smiling at Nona and Papa.
More at La Jolla
There were a lot of seals on the beach sunning in the warm sunshine. This time of year the the seals have just had their pups, so there were a lot of baby seals with their mamas. It was cute to see them swimming out into the ocean and then their moms chasing them down making sure they don't get too far.
The next day we headed to Coronado. This is Hotel Coronado. It just celebrated its 150th anniversary. It is beautiful hotel were a lot of famous people have visited and stayed. It costs around $500 for a "regular" room.
Emma's enjoying her first experience on the beach. We sat and looked at the waves. It was a bit cold to enjoy the water but we did put our feet in the sand.A little down time on Papa's chest:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

2 Months Old!!!!

Emma turns two months old today! She got all dressed up for the occasion! This is the first time she has been in a dress--and she even has shoes on! The little headband makes me laugh! So we went to her 2 month check-up. She weighs 11 lb. 11 oz (73%), she is 22 in. long (36%), her head circumference is 15 in. (33%). She also had to have three shots today. That was more painful for me I think. She was a trooper though and the nurse was great, she did them so quick! So she is healthy and thriving!
I can't believe it has already been two months! I guess I understand now when people say how fast they (kids) grow up! Soon she'll be going to college! :)
I threw this one in because I think she looks so cute in this hat,
don't you think?
Very serious looking sleeper!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Here is what I saw all last night in my arms. You never get tired of this!
Emma is holding on to this rattle. I am not sure she knows quite what she is is more of a reflex holding on to it but it was fun to watch.
This is one of her favorite places.....her swing. She has just started looking up and staring at the mobile that hangs above it, she seems to smile and laugh at it.
Grandma Pamela having a chat with Emma

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day (the day after!)

Here is my little Valentine! It is official she DOES smile and not just when she has gas! She smiles at me when I make faces and talk to her. She has also turned into a snuggle-bug (well this is nothing new but.....), in the evenings she does not like to be put down or else she screams! This could also be because Josh went back to work this week and the evenings were their time. They snuggle together and Josh usually puts her to sleep for the night. Who knows?!?! Josh wasn't home for Valentine's Day, so Emma and I just hung out together. Josh's mom Pamela was with us for the day also, which was great it gave me a chance to get a few things done around the house while she entertained Emma.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Home Again

Well we are home again and back to our exciting life here! I have been trying to get Emma to sleep in her crib more. Usually I put her in there and she lasts for about five minutes and then starts screaming. I'm pretty sure she knows that she is all alone! So every day I have been putting her in there for her long nap during the day in the hopes that she will get better. Today we had success! I did swaddle her though (you can't tell...she's hidden under that other blanket), so I think that helped. Before her nap she kept me company in her bouncy seat while I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen....looking ever so lovely in her pink and brown outfit. She is officially in 3 month clothes. I packed up the newborn stuff!
We also had a bath this morning. She is loving her baths now, as long as she stays nice and warm! While we were on our trip she would take showers with Josh and boy did she love them, almost falling asleep in there because she was so warm and cozy in daddy's arms.
Very inquisitive looking here:
I just like the way she looks here. This is after a terrible cry.... and then feeding, so she is finally feeling satisfied I guess.

Visiting Old Friends

Our friends Mike and Suzan (along with their daughters) moved to South Carolina so we were able to see them on our trip also. They only live about an hour from Rachael. Here is Suzan and Christine. I did not get any pics of Mike......for those of you wondering he was Josh's best man in our wedding. They use to live in Aurora and we would hang out with them quite a bit. Anna is their oldest. When I met Mike and Suzan she was only two (I think that is about right), now she is in second grade, Crazy how fast time goes by.
I think it is funny how big Emma looks with Anna, but then how small she looks in the picture with all the "ladies" (she looks like a doll in that picture).

North Carolina Continued

Our trip was great. It was fun to see Rachael and have her have her time bonding with Emma. Her is a cute picture of the two of them.....I swear Emma has a smile on her face, don't you think? This was a special time for Rachael, as well as for us, we are so happy we had the time to be able to go and see her. We went to The Melting Pot (YUM--my favorite restaurant) for our last night together.
I just love this....Daddy and Emma watching TV.
Here are some close-ups of Emma. I was trying to get her to smile....instead here are a few cute faces. Look at her cheeks and that double chin, I am pretty sure she is getting enough to eat!
Rachael's dogs had to share her for the few days we were visiting. Look how cute they are!
This is Daisy:And this is Bailey: