Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Play Date, Presents, Santa,.......Oh My!

Kaylee Bug, that is what I have been calling her :)....doesn't do a whole lot yet so I feel like she gets a little left out! So, I thought I would open up with a pic of her! She is four weeks old now and growing. She no longer fits newborn clothes...hasn't for awhile now. This outfit is 3 months....a little big, but not bad! Anyway, she is good. Doesn't usually like the bouncy seat to much unless sleeping...this was a rare moment...and it didn't last long. She loves to be held and snuggled and if not, she is very fussy! Hopefully this will pass. She is very alert and loves to look around at everything. Emma still loves her and wants to touch and love on her all the time.
So when Kaylee came along I got the swing back out and guess who likes it???? I looked at the weight limit, hopefully we don't break it! She doesn't go in it very long or very often! She thinks it is the greatest thing, she loved it as a little baby also!
On Monday our friends Susan and Jack came over to play. They live way up north so it is a drive when we visit each other, but it is worth it. Jack is getting so big and it is so fun to see the Emma and him together...of course they don't interact much, but that's just their age.
So I have been trying to get our Christmas presents wrapped. This has been very hard with a very active 11 month (almost 1 yr.) old and a fussy newborn! So, while Kaylee was sleeping on Tuesday we tackled the presents. Emma was such a help---as you can see below!
Today we went and saw Santa! This was the first time for Emma (and Kaylee obviously). Emma didn't cry at all. She was a bit confused....she looks very serious in the picture, but it turned out pretty good (it's better in person). Of course AFTER the pic was taken Santa started to talk to Emma and then she smiled, why didn't he do that first???? Notice Emma and Kaylee and their matching outfits....girls are so fun!
So after visiting Santa we ventured out into the rest of the mall for a couple of Christmas presents. Our first trip to a place where there are no shopping carts (not like at Target and Walmart....the only places I've gone with the two of them!). We got our double stroller and it worked like a charm. I was afraid of the size, but it was very easy to maneuver and steer. Notice Emma's face????.....see next pic.....
So Santa gave out Suckers and Emma enjoyed hers! It kept her busy and quiet for a long time! It was alllllll over her, but she never once touched her hair!
And the last two pics are two better views of their cute outfits....they say "Happy to be me!"


  1. Um, so before I come meet Kaylee I need to go shopping is crazy how similar our tastes our because look what is waiting for you guys on my kitchen counter

    They are so cute with Santa. Hooray for not being scared of him...yet. And you look like you're handling the 2 younguns so well.

    I still want to come see you very soon. What do you have going on this weekend or early next week? Are you traveling for Christmas?

  2. Hey, that picture link didn't show up all the's the rest after "P" if you care 1380892.jpg


  3. Oh, and also, I know my grammar so I meant to say "how similar our tastes ARE"...where is my coffee this morning???
