Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas!

What a busy couple of weeks we have had....Christmas already a week and a half behind us and finally sitting down to blog! Well I imported pictures awhile ago....just trying to finish writing about it all.
This year was pretty quiet. This year was when we all spend Christmas day with the in laws (and then we do our Christmas on New Year's day). So we had Josh's mom and sister over. It was pretty quiet. We started with a yummy brunch. Josh and I bought a ham for later in the day and we enjoyed that with Josh's dad, everyone else was gone by 11:30.
On to pictures.....there is a lot!!!!!
Kaylee is officially smiling, cooing and "talking" to people. It is so fun to have her start interacting now.
Emma being a her blue eyes! Couldn't have asked for a better Christmas present! We are so lucky! Auntie Anna and Uncle James One of Kaylee's presents (thanks Anna and James!) Grandpa with a sleeping beauty! Don't I look thrilled???? I think I was caught off guard! Nana Kaylee's first doll! My little family! Nana and Buck James...he is SO good with the girls! Another gift that is as big as Kaylee :) Proud Daddy! Josh and I got a wonderful present this year!!!! I LOVE this picture, doesn't she just look so darn cute!?!?! Emma got this alphabet train from Santa!

So that was our (first) Christmas! Stay tuned for another post with our second Christmas and some video.


  1. Tonya- I'm loving this blog - your Christmas pictures are priceless!!
