Thursday, May 10, 2012

Magnificent Mallory!

Mallory is almost 20 months old!  I cannot believe this! She is quite the girl who knows what she wants! 
Here are some things she is up to lately:

-She is sitting at the "big" table for more tray on her booster!
-Can help dress herself...not very well but she knows where everything goes.
-She loves to run and climb (on everything!)
-Is getting long enough hair for me to "do" I have three heads to make pretty!
-Is talking and repeating every thing. Not always clear...but wow I am impressed by how much she says.
-LOVES her sisters!
-LOVES salad with Ranch dressing
-Has a mouth full of teeth! Which back in December I think she had like 4....been a busy few months with teeth..and I never even knew when she was getting them! She is a tough cookie after living with all those ear infections I guess.
-Has a great giggle and loves to snuggle with her Mommy!
-Is a bit of a Mama's girl right now...but definetely loves her Daddy (and her Ms. Lindsay at school).
-Looks like Josh! 
-Loves to help pick up toys and put trash in the trash can.

No she is not potty trained yet (nor are we working on that!) but she knows what is all about and will take herself sometimes.  When she is just a bit older...I think she will be easy to potty train!  We will see!
 I came across this picture of her napping in the window seat up in the mountains and Pamela and Buck's house.  She put herself there and decided it was time for a short nap. No better place then here in the sunlight! Heaven! She is so cute!

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