Monday, June 20, 2011


I have just finished my 11th year of teaching! I can't believe that! So much has happened in that time....crazy! So now I am off track for about 5 weeks. Time for relaxing, cleaning, organizing, and most importantly...having fun with my three princesses. We don't have any big plans for the next few weeks, just have fun together. My brother is moving here in a few weeks so I hope we can spend some time with him and his family before I have to go back to school. We are getting our house painted---which is overdue for a paint job. We have lived here just over 5 years and have never liked the color so I'm excited to get that done (not to mention the house really needs it!).
Anywhooooo....on to new stuff.
We didn't start track off to well. Friday Mallory started getting sick. Well I guess she had a slight cold all week, but started getting bad on Friday. She had a fever of 103 and that lasted through Saturday and then had a slight fever on Sunday. She was so sad and pathetic, my poor baby. If she was awake....she wanted me and that was all, which as you can imagine is a bit tough for my other two lovely princesses. Luckily they were both great this weekend and let Mallory have Mommy. So we made it through the weekend and this morning off to Dr. Arthur we went! Double ear infections for Miss Mallory. She also has a bad cough and in case (and just in case) it turns to croup Dr. Arthur gave us the meds for that in case we need it so I don't have to go back in. Thank goodness. I have been in there every week for the past month. The nurse and I were laughing because she said every time that she sees me I have a different baby! So here is my sick Mallory, I'm sure she will be much better tomorrow after 24 hours of antibiotics in her!
On Saturday Emma and Kaylee were playing dress up and mommy. They had their "outfits" on with their purses and babies. They were walking around the house and heading to "Papa and Gram's house" (that is what Emma told me). They are too cute!
Notice Emma is caring for two babies...but Kaylee can only handle one right now.
We got home one night last week and my mom had picked up some pretty tutu skirts for the girls. They were on the counter and we walked into the kitchen and Emma was so excited! Both her and Kaylee took their clothes off right there so they could put their new skirts on.
We visited the Southlands' fountains for the first time this summer last weekend while Josh was still here. We also got Mallory's ears pierced.
They loved the fountains. Emma loved getting soaked, whereas Kaylee liked to go through and around them trying NOT to get wet. So funny their little personalities.
Sweet Malli-Boo! See her little ear?!?!?
Enjoying some more time in the pool. They love it! Can't wait to go swimming more this summer in a BIG pool.
Kaylee and Emma made these visors at church. Kaylee wore hers around the house all day, she loves her hats!

1 comment:

  1. SUCH cute little tutus!!! We'll have to meet up at the Southland fountains or something on a hot day while you're off track! We love that kind of stuff and I'd love to see you! I'm jealous of Mallory's ears--well, all 3 girls, really. As soon as Autumn asks for 'em, I'm there!!! --Kristin since I think I have to post "anonymous"
