Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter Everyone!
It was a pretty quiet day around here. This is the first time EVER that my family has all been out of town, so it was just the girls and I. I love being with them, but truthfully it was a little depressing! We made it to church in the morning, both girls looking their cutest of course. It never fails whenever I am at church without Josh, someone always takes pity on me and helps me bring both girls into the church. Emma will walk to the door herself, but it takes FOREVER! Anyway, a nice lady helped me with Emma (luckily she doesn't have too bad of "stranger danger" yet) and I took Kaylee. And then after church a friend of mine helped me out to the car.
Best pic I could get of Emma's outfit....she won't sit still for me!
After church we found Easter eggs. I really didn't know how this was going to go. I hid them in obvious places where Emma could see and showed her what to do. She loved it!!! I think I hid the same eggs over and over about 5 times! I only did hard-boiled eggs, I didn't buy any plastic ones. Those probably would have been better, our hard-boiled ones were a bit beat up! But she had fun! A friend at church invited the girls and me over to her house for lunch. That was great since we didn't have any plans. We only stayed for about 2 hours though, and I didn't get much adult time....but it was nice to get out of the house for a bit. We also missed their big Easter egg hunt because the girls had had enough and needed to sleep! Lets put it this way Tiffani's house is only like 3 minutes from our house and both girls were OUT by the time I pulled into the garage!
Tonight at dinner Emma was making Kaylee laugh, I thought it was cute. Enjoy!

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