Saturday, October 1, 2011

Off Track = Being a Full-Time Mommy!

So as the title shows...I am off-track! Just in time...I was needing a break. I love what I do and teaching my kiddos, but juggling that with being a mom is very hard and stressful at times. I feel like if I am doing well in one area, then the other suffers. So for the next three weeks, I am a mommy...a mommy to the three greatest girls who deserve 100% of me! First up, we finally got our house painted. I do not have a before picture, but it was a peachy color with gross green trim. I have not liked it since we moved here 5 years ago, but we just couldn't do it until now. It is like I live in a different house, so I just had to share.
I also got to go out for a "girls-night" which was a much needed evening out for me! These nights are very few and far between for me. We did "Canvas and Cocktails"! Here is what I painted. What a fun night and I will definitely do that again!
This week we headed to a park. We love the park...any park! What a great (free) outing!
Emma is my cautious one, so when she climbed this she was so proud of herself!
We have been sick around here as well. The week before I tracked-off we had the stomach flu go through all of us. Now it is colds. Mallory has her third ear infection and Emma is by far the worse off. Pretty sure she has croup, but we are in the middle of the weekend so will have to wait until Monday to get medicine from the Dr. Poor girl! This was her all day today! We just hung out on the couch and watched movies.
Speaking of Emma and her sickies. We headed to the ear, nose, and throat Dr. to see about tubes for her ears because she has had so many ear infections. (she has had 5 in the past 8 months) . Here she is eating an ice cream cone while we waited for our appointment. And the verdict is...she is right on the fence...we could go either way with tubes. He said that if she gets another ear infection in the next few months--then tubes definitely. Until then we will just wait. So that appointment was Monday and Tuesday is when she woke up with her cold. So probably an ear infection is next. We will see what Monday brings for her.
We also headed to the zoo this week with Knox and Kasey. One of our favorite places!
Mallory's first Popsicle!
Still loving the sand box
Last weekend Josh got the Chiminaah (have no idea how to spell that!) up and going and we enjoyed a little fire after it got dark. We roasted a few marshmallows. Then Josh and I put the girls to bed and enjoyed a couple of beers and some "us" time.
That's all for now! I still have two more weeks off, so more fun to come!

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