Sunday, July 18, 2010

Preganany Update

So....a little late to put a pregnancy ticker on the blog! I thought this way the few friends and family that check in with us can see that we are down to the last weeks. I meant to do it a lot sooner, but just didn't! Things are still going well with this little one. No name yet (though I think we are getting closer). She moves around A LOT! And at my latest appointment my blood pressure was 122/77....hooray for me!!! This is the best it has been (maybe because I haven't been working???). We'll see. Work starts again this Wednesday. Anyway, I am going in every two weeks now to get checked and I have to monitor my blood pressure between visits as well. No swelling yet...which is great. By this time with Emma I couldn't wear any of my shoes or my rings. No picture this time but I will do at least one more in the coming weeks so I have a record of it.


  1. 177/22...wha??? :)

    But hooray for a healthy pregnancy...I'm so glad to see your ticker. And SO thrilled to hear there's no swelling. It's been so hot so that seems like an even bigger accomplishment! I remember being pregnant but swollen last summer and it's no fun!

  2. OK....if you look again I fixed my blood pressure! I'm just going to blame my pregnant brain. 122/77 is what is was, does that sound a little better! Silly me.
