Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Introducing....Kaylee Sophia!

So as most of you already know....we got the call last night that Courtney, our birthmother, was in the hospital! We got the call at about 7:00 and she had just started started the pitocin and got another call at 10:20 saying she was already at 8 cm dilated! So, we got our stuff and left. My mom came other and stayed with Emma.
Kaylee Sophia arrived at 2:46 am. She was 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 19 in. long. She has huge eyes and a head full of dark hair---longer in the back than on the top of her head. Josh and I were able to be there for everything. We helped Courtney and were fortunate enough to see Kaylee being born. We thank God every moment for bringing Courtney into our lives. We believe this was all meant to be! Kaylee was meant to be our daughter!
So of course here are some pics......


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting the pictures. I am so glad you were able to be there for it all. Congrats! She's a beautiful addition the family!
    Love you all, Rachael & Adam

  2. Happy 11 months old Emma!!! Your a big sister now!

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!! I was waiting and waiting for these. She's so precious. I'm so beyond thrilled for your family, you have no idea. :)

  4. Congratulations Tonya!! So happy for you and your family! :)

  5. Yay! She is beautiful, Tonya! Can't wait to meet her!

  6. Tonya and Josh- Congratulations! You both have a beautiful family. I can't wait to meet Kaylee.
