Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things have been pretty uneventful around here, just living our day to day lives! Waiting for this baby to arrive.....someday! I know it will happen, but at this point I feel like I will be pregnant forever and am more and more uncomfortable every day. Enough complaining.... On to better cute girls! Emma has still been going to the potty. Not all the time, but she knows what it is and what she is suppose to do. We are not pushing this yet because things are going to change around here soon! We will get serious in December when I am off track. Also, Emma will almost 2 and hopefully have an easier time communicating with us about having to go. Isn't she cute just sitting there reading her book, I love it! And she is so funny because going to the bathroom is no big deal to her, when she goes I praise her and tell her good job, and she just looks at me like I'm crazy....shuts the lid and flushes and then leaves the she's telling me "No Big Deal Mom!"Emma also got her first haircut! Her hair grew in very nicely, but in the past 3 weeks I have noticed it getting a bit messy looking on the ends, so we went in. She did awesome and just sat there. The lady only took off about 1 inch, but it looks much better. Trying to get the two girls in a pic together to show off their matching outfits, this was the best we could do...Emma wasn't having it! We were getting ready to head to my brother's house to celebrate his birthday and so the girls headed to the laundry room (which heads out to the garage) and sat in there playing until we left. Emma knows where to go when we leave and Kaylee loves to follow her big sis. While at Scott and Maile's house Kaylee played with this balloon and couldn't get enough. I tried to get video but was too late. She had a blast with it! Emma enjoyed the Connect Four game. She just sat there for the longest time putting the pieces in and then taking them out...and then back in again. Here I am at 39 weeks.....HUGE! I am so ready for our new princess to arrive. I actually went in on Monday because I had been contracting all Sunday night and Monday morning--they were regular and had gotten to be 7-10 min. apart, but went to the hospital and nothing! Got sent home! And ever since then things have quieted down....all on her schedule I suppose! The end for now.....hopefully my next post will be introducing our new little girl, let's all hope!

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