Saturday, January 16, 2010

I went back to work this week. It wasn't too bad! My second graders are great this year and were happy to see me, and I was happy to see them also. They are so cute, they always want to know all about Emma and Kaylee. One day this week as they were leaving to go home one little boy said, "Tell Emma I said hi!"---So cute! This is why I love teaching! I am having a student teacher for the rest of this school year so it will be nice having another body in the room. She seems really nice and sweet, so it should hopefully go well....I just pray she can get some sort of job after she graduates!
On to family stuff. Josh has been home most of the week so that is always great, it makes the evenings with the girls so much easier! I would love to be a stay at home mom....but only if Josh had a normal job where he didn't travel, otherwise....I think I might go nuts being with the kiddos (as much as I love and adore them!) 24-7!!!! My job makes it easy to balance having a family and still being there for them!We started our weekend going up to Greeley to see Shelbi and Don. Shelbi is such a wonderful friend (wished she lived closer!) and of course I love Don as well. We did lunch at their house and just hung out. It was nice to get out of the house for the afternoon.
On our way home we stopped to get work pants for Josh and we went out to eat for the first time with BOTH girls. It was a buffet restaurant... nothing to be excited over, but it fed us...and quickly!
Bath time for Kaylee!
These are her first bath shots because usually I am here alone and it is hard to take pics and do the bath! This pic is actually after the bath and all cleaned up! (a little out of order!)
Grandpa has been here the past few days
So tomorrow I hope we can make it to church. I didn't make it last week because I was flying solo and Emma was super tired and grumpy, so hopefully we make it! (now it is Sunday....we made it to church!) So Emma "graduated" out of the nursery into the room with the walkers, she did great and loved playing with the other kids. In the nursery she was the oldest, so a little boring to her I think because the little babies don't do anything. We also decided to take Kaylee into the nursery for the first time. She did great as well, she was held the whole time, there were two ladies and only two babies!
After church we stayed around the house. I headed to Walmart (all by myself!). Nana came over to visit and play with the girls. Josh was working outside so it was so nice having her here so I could still do laundry and make dinner and stuff...Thanks for coming over Nana and thanks for taking pics of me with my girls!
That's all! Tomorrow we head to Kaylee's 2 month checkup! We can't even believe she is 2 month already!


  1. I just love that you have a blog now so I can keep up with you and your pretty princesses better.

    I can't believe Kaylee is 2 months old! And I'm so glad Josh has been home awhile. I don't know how you do so well when you have to fly completely solo with two very small people. You go, T! ;)

  2. We wish we lived closer too! Thanks so much for making the drive and hanging out with us we really enjoyed the time with you all! S and D
