Thursday, April 2, 2009


So, this was Emma's first FULL week at daycare. The week didn't start off too good! Emma did not want to sleep at Kendra's house. She would fight sleep and then if she did fall asleep it would only be for 20 minutes or so. So, by the time I got there after school both Kendra and Emma looked tired and frazzled! One of the boys said "I don't want to hear Baby Emma cry any more", so sweet. My heart broke for Emma.....what a horrible day she must have had and her mommy wasn't there to make it all better. The good news is--she did MUCH better on Wednesday and Thursday. After Kendra and I chatted a bit about what I do here at home...things were much better and I think Emma is familiar with Kendra and her house now (which might have been part of the problem also). I decided to bring up the high chair from the basement the other day (not that Emma is in there to eat!), but it reclines back so she can sit in there comfortably and so she can be in the kitchen with me as I clean and make my dinner. I thought these were cute:
Another toy from the basement--the Johnny Jump Up! I am not sure how she feels about it yet. She will move her feet and make herself move, but I don't think she know really what she is doing. I have to put a blanket in front because her "core" still isn't quite strong enough, but it is fun to swing her and usually she laughs and smiles, but she looks very serious here.
I have had better pictures (I guess it's not too bad, but I am always critical of myself, but who isn't?), but I love the deer-caught-in-headlights look here that Emma has!
Tomorrow we are getting 3 month pictures with Kathy again. This time we are going to go to her house. It is so nice to do pictures in an environment like that. It seems more relaxed and there is no rush to try to get them done quickly so the next appointment can be done.

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