Tuesday, October 9, 2012

VACATION-Part one...Maine!

So we were finally able to take a family vacation! We found a great deal on plane tickets so decided now (before Mallory turned two) to take a trip to see family and to have a lot of fun with our little family of 5.  We went to Maine and then North Carolina.  We had such a great time and the girls did awesome.  A few learning moments for Josh and I as we flew with 3 girls who are 3 and under...but we survived!

Can't remember exactly which "leg" of our journey these pictures are from, I know not the first flight because we did lug two car seats onto our first flight....and that was THAT!!!!  We decided to gate-check for our second flight and the rest of the flights we had (we had three travel days with one lay-over each flight....so 6 planes total!) Here are the girls on the plane...like I said they did awesome!!!

 AND...to toot our own horns a bit...after each flight we had at least one person come up and tell us how great the girls did and "we don't know how you do it!" (we hear that a lot!)


Our first full day in Maine we headed to the beach! This was the first time for the girls to see the ocean! It was a lot of fun. Some of these pictures are from my phone and when I blow them up big....they are blurry...so hopefully we can enjoy them small!

 The girls got to meet their great grandfather while we were there. We went to  
there house one morning and went to the lake that they live near. The girls enjoyed throwing rocks in the water! 

We had a great visit with Josh's grandma.  She doesn't talk too much anymore and Emma and Mallory were not to sure about about her....but Kaylee warmed right up and starting sharing her cheerios with Nana, and Nana Rosa enjoyed eating them!
 Mallory showing her a brown marker. We didn't get a good picture of the two of them together, but we all thought that Mallory looks a lot like her Nana Rosa. Even one of the nurses who had just met us said how much Rosa and Mallory look the same and she knew they were related!

 Sizing each other up! Look at Kaylee's eyes...she's adorable!

Grandpa Floyd

 Two different days Josh's Aunt Linda took the girls for us and Josh and I got a couple afternoons to ourselves to have some "us" time. She runs a daycare out of her house, so the girls loved it. They called her "Auntie Nana" because she looks like their nana (her sister....)but we told the girls this was not their Nana and to call her Auntie.....they came up with the Auntie Nana on their own
 Nap time under the table on a beanbag

 Have no idea why her pic is so small....I took all of them from my phone!
 In front of Auntie Nana's house waiting for the school bus!

 We stayed with Josh's Aunt Carrie and had a wonderful time with her and her family. There was a BBQ one night with ALL the family. It is so nice to have family time and to catch up with everyone. The last time we were in Maine and saw Josh's family was when Emma was about 9 months old!

Carrie has a daughter named Emma who is 2 years older than my Emma and the girls absolutely loved her! Here they all are sitting at "their" table!
Aunt Linda, cousin Joanna and her husband Ryan and their son Griffin
 Big Emma and Griffin
 Trying to get a picture of all the little people...this was the best we could get!

 Joanna loved Kaylee
(well...she loved all of them...but Kaylee is such a cutie...and "brown" like Jo!
Her son definitely takes after her husband)
  Liz reading with Kaylee one night before bed

 "The Band!" and they had a great audience! Kaylee was the singer and sang ABCs and Twinkle, Twinkle...she was great!  and not shy at all! Maybe a future performer.
What a great first half of our trip! We made great memories and had such a great time with family. Thank you to Carrie and Bob (and big Emma) for sharing their home with us. We had a blast and can't wait till next time! Second half up next!

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