Thursday, June 24, 2010

Updates for Daddy.....

Josh has been gone a lot the past few weeks, so if you (whoever out there is reading) have noticed me posting more than usual it is for him so he can see what his girls are up to. We've also been having fun because I am not working so that to I guess! Nana watched Kaylee the other day while Emma and I were off at her appointment and she captured some cute pics of Kaylee.
Yesterday we headed to Westminster to see our friends Susan and Jack and to join them at the swimming pool. Though we don't get to see them near as often as I wish, whenever I am off we try to see each other a couple of times. We have a "date" next week also, but they are coming to keep it even! :) This was the best I could do to get Emma and Jack. Emma (the little stinker) just wouldn't look at me. Isn't Jack so cute?
Just chillin' on the pool chair!
Mid-word I I could get with her looking at me.
Sweetie! Always willing (at least for now) to look at me.
Susan clicked a few of all of us. Thank goodness she was there to help me with my two princesses!
I know you read the THANKS for a great day Susan and Jack we had fun! We will see you guys next week! Now this morning. Emma being silly. First trying on mama's shoes....
....then trying on mama's bra! She came out of my room like this! Funny girl.
AND....exciting news for Kaylee. We can officially say she is crawling! I captured just a bit on camera, Enjoy!


  1. Way to go on the crawling! I am so impressed! They're adorable as always!
