Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer Time!

It is finally summer and we have been enjoying ourselves. This first week of break we've just stuck around home. I've been really tired so haven't really felt like doing much. But we have plans to see friends, go to the zoo, swim, etc. in the weeks to come, so I'm just enjoying the time at home (and not having to do my hair, put in my contacts, or wear any make up!). My parents have been parked out here for the past several weeks, so it has been nice to have an extra set of hands when I need it....especially at night! They are great at putting Kaylee to sleep!
We have been playing lots outside. Emma loves water and anything to do with water. I've been looking for a water table on Craigslist, but until then a container will have to do and I think that is just fine for her!
Kaylee likes to watch her sister and play on the porch in her exosaucer.
Kaylee is always so smiley, so a few cute pics of her.
Kaylee wants to crawl, but doesn't know how to put it all together yet, but as you can see here I don't think it will be long. YIKES....two little ones on the move, hope I can handle it!
A little of Kaylee's giggles. She loves to laugh!


  1. Oh my gosh...that video! She's adorable. Those are the best giggles and had me and Jason smiling (he could hear them).

    And my goodness you have such cute little girls! I can't wait to see the next one.

    We'd love to see you while you're on summer break!
