Friday, September 3, 2010

I am 38 weeks today.....ready for this little one to come out!I am E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D!!! I have been doing pretty good, but this week I am just so tired! My parents have been wonderful helping out with dinner and my dishes....and not to mention making my yard look better...thanks mom and dad! I went to the Dr. again and everything is still good. The baby has dropped and is in position! I am only dilated to 1 cm, and she could feel the baby's head. I also did a NST, just because I haven't done one yet and with my history of high blood pressure they just wanted one done. Well she did absolutely fine (I figured there was nothing to worry about she still moves around A LOT). Now I am just ready...I packed my bag for the hospital and I guess now I just have to wait.
So we met up with Shelbi last weekend and had some lunch and did a little shopping. They girls wore matching polka-dotted dresses, they looked so cute! Emma of course was being a little stinker and wouldn't smile at me or the camera! Emma stole the onions off my plate and tried them...she liked them better as a bracelet!
She also shared some onion with Kaylee, who didn't really mind it, she sucked on it for awhile!
French Fry, I love her lips here.
So somber and serious looking...with her two lovies!
I got one smile, not the best pic, but she is smiling!!!
And of course Kaylee is always ready with a smile....cutie bug!


  1. I am so excited for you, and so happy to hear that the pregnancy is going so smoothly this time around!
    Thanks for taking the time to update the blog, it so special for us out-of-towners to be able to see what’s going on with the family. Love and miss you all!
    Rachael & Adam

  2. I keep checking to see if you've had the baby! Good luck! Can't wait to hear!
