Friday, January 29, 2010

Weekly Update

Third week back to work down....only 5 to go until I track off! Sad that I am counting down already! Actually work has been fine, I just hate to be away from Emma and Kaylee, but Sydney is doing great with the girls and it is sooooo nice that she comes here to the house. It makes my life much easier and they can sleep and I don't have to wake them if they are not up by the time I leave (and Kaylee loves to sleep in....Emma is up about half the time before I leave--which I do love cause I can get some hugs and kisses in before I have to leave).
Josh had been home for about two weeks, which was so nice, but he went back to work on Tuesday for a couple weeks so that means I'm flying solo again! Here are a few pics--nothing too exciting.... SO...Emma loves to take her toys, any toy, and to sit on it. So this is an Aquadoodle thing that she made into her "seat".Kaylee has been slowly getting better at playing on the floor and not being held. So these are when she was on the floor mat thingy.
Then along comes Emma and decides she would like to join in the fun.....
My blue-eyed and brown-eyed princesses!

1 comment:

  1. They are so cute on the play mat together. Awwww. Sisters.

    I'm so glad you have someone you love coming to your house to help with the girls while you work. Sounds like a great situation!
