Monday, December 7, 2009

2 Week Appointment

This morning after dropping Emma off at Kendra's house Kaylee and I headed for her 2 week check-up with Dr. Arthur. She is doing great! She weighed in at 9 lbs. 1.5 oz. and 21 in. long. She is growing well....and sleeping 4 hrs. at night (on average).
This weekend I was able to get out without the girls. I took them to Nana Pamela's house and I headed to a ladies Christmas social at our church. We did an advent celebration, sang carols, did a cookie exchange, and an ornament exchange. It was great to connect with the other ladies at my church (and to have a break from "mommyhood"). Speaking of the ladies at my church...for the past couple of weeks we have been made about 5 or so meals (another one tonight..yum!) from the ladies in my woman's small group. What a blessing these women have been! This has been such a help! Besides that we just stuck around the house this weekend. Emma is getting into EVERYTHING....see some pics below, Enjoy! The pantry....
File Cabinet.....
She found envelopes in the file cabinet.
My purse
Stuff in the background on the floor is the stuff from my purse!
I really do watch my daughter...but this is all keeping her busy while I cook, clean, feed Kaylee....etc.! When she got my purse it kept her busy the whole time I made cookies and I made 4 dozen! And she wasn't harming anything and she was happy as could be!


  1. They're beautiful!
    What a wonderful end to a long day!
    To see pictures of my beautiful grandchildren.
    Thanks Tonya.
