Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween and more.....

Happy Halloween!!! A week later! Our little Emma Bean was a lion cub, look how cute she is!!!
Kelli and Conner met up with us and we did "Trick or Treat Street" in Elizabeth (the town we live near). That is what we have to do here because it is hard to go house to house out in the rural areas. It was in the middle of the day so perfect for Miss Emma! Both Conner and Emma just seemed so is awe of it all.
The fire house was "open" for viewing...Conner loved this!
I love her BIG eyes in this one!
Emma went to a pumpkin patch with daycare and she got her own little pumpkin! Just her size.
These few pics make me laugh. Hmmmmm what book shall I read?...
...maybe this one....
If I get in maybe I can see better.....
Look mom!
Now I'll just sit in with them!
Well, next time I post I will probably have some big news. Now I have to think of a new blog name..any ideas???? Or just add Kaylee's name....Emma and Kaylee's World...not sure what to do yet! We met the birthmother on Monday and she seems wonderful. A lot of my nervous feelings have disappeared (though not completely!). We are still praying that everything works out and goes smoothly. So keep checking back for pictures of the new little princess that is soon joining our family! Until next time.....


  1. I love the new baby's name!!!! If I cannot wait for her I can't imagine how it is for you LOL.

    Emma and Connor are TOO CUTE trick or treating together. And I love her in the basket with the books.

    Post soon!!!! I'm so excited!!!

  2. What adorable Halloween pictures! I keep thinking about you and can't wait to hear when Kaylee comes. Jack will have another friend to play with!

  3. I love the video clip. She looks like she is making herself dizzy when she shakes her head no! It's so cute!!!
    Where's Miss Kaylee already??? She is sure taking her sweet time, she must be a little nervous.
    Love you guys, Rachael
