Friday, August 27, 2010

9 months, 20 months, Aurora Reservoir, and Party Time!

Last week we went to our first "little girl party"! The invitation was addressed specifically to Emma and Kaylee---so fun! We went to help celebrate my friend Kristin's little girl Autumn's first birthday--so fun! The girls both got goodie bags with the cutest bows (and Kristin did not forget our new little princess either--we got one for her as well!). Thanks for a fun time! Emma turned 20 months last week! She becomes more and more Strong-minded and independent everyday. She definitely takes after her Daddy! She has started to sing different songs we've learned and talks a lot (though still can't really understand her). She loves her books more and more lately. She points to pictures and we tell her what it is. She is so smart and gets VERY frustrated when she doesn't (or can't) figure something out or it is not working how she wants it to. She LOVES shoes, jewelry, bows, clothes, and purses (definitely a little princess!).
Kaylee turned 9 months old last week! We cannot believe it! I know I say that every month...but it is still true, we cannot believe it!
She had a well-baby visit on Monday and she is growing well. Her latest stats: 18 lb. 9 oz (44%) 28.35 inches long (75%) and her head is 17.5 in. (65%) At her 6 month visit she had fallen to the 23% for weight, so the Dr. was happy to see that was back up. She is still long and lean---with big hands and feet, I think she may end up being taller than her big sis, we'll see! Just this week, Kaylee is finally getting some teeth! I think she has been teething for a while now, but this week has been tough on her. She has been sleeping a lot and has had a low grade fever all week, and all she wants to do is snuggle and be held---which I love! Today is the first day you can see two (just below the skin) teeth on the bottom and one on top. She is still constantly on the move, standing up and moving a long furniture. She giggles and laughs all the time and says "Dada" to just about everything.
Though things are so crazy around here...I wouldn't trade it for anything! On Sunday we headed to the Aurora Reservoir for some fun! We had our Church picnic there. So after some yummy food we spent the rest of the time in the water. The water was a bit cold at first, but boy did it feel good to this pregnant lady!!!! Emma loved it...she is so not afraid of the water! She gets her whole body in and knows how to blow bubbles. Kaylee HATES the cold water, but is OK after she gets used to it. Then she loves to be in the water!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Catching Up....

It's been a couple of week so it is about time to catch up on some happenings around here! Things haven't been too exciting just working and living life I guess. Going back to work has made me twice as tired as I already was so sitting down to blog....or even take pictures is the last thing I want to do. We have done a few things though worth blogging about.
Miss Kaylee got her ears pierced this past weekend. This was the best shot I could get. She did awesome and cried for only a few seconds....the whole mall could hear her, but she is pretty dramatic when she wants to be! Josh has been home...he cut off all his hair (with a little help from me). I think he looks a bit skinny.....all the ham sandwiches he has been living off of the past few weeks.
At Nana's house she has this horse that the girls can ride and Kaylee loves it! It sings and talks!
Josh looking a bit sleepy...but both girls getting a little daddy-snuggle-time!
Watching TV ever so closely.
Kaylee is still loving her food. If she could eat all finger foods she would be happy as can be. She is eating cottage cheese here.
Last Saturday Emma and I made Chocolate Chip Cookies. This was the first time she helped me. Well I'm not sure how much she really helped. I would put the flour, sugar, etc. in the right measuring cups and try to have her pour them in the bowl....but she wasn't having it. Not sure why, she was just content to watch. Notice the red shoes. They are about 2 sizes too big but she loves them and wore them all day Saturday....she loves her shoes!!!
Watcing the cookies bake....are the done yet mom?
I love this shot! You can see her reflection and the expression she is making....makes me laugh!
This is why we love where we live. This is right out our front door.
Emma sat and just watched with Josh and boy did she love watching them (until a car came and scared them away).
Other #3 is still cooking away and doing great. Went to another appt. today and blood pressure is great! Emma has used the potty 4 different times in the past 2 weeks. We are not officially potty training or anything but she has had such bad diaper rash lately that she has been without a diaper a lot lately. She is doing great and knows she is suppose to go in the potty....she doesn't always make it...but for a 20 month old (today she is 20 months) she does pretty well. So, we will keep on encouraging her! Yay Emma!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Baby #3 update. I am 34 weeks along and things are still looking great. At my last Dr. appt blood pressure was really good again so he is not having me come in again until I am 36 weeks (which was 3 weeks between appts.). She still doesn't have a name. We have a couple we like but I think we are going to wait until she is born to see what she looks like. She moves around a lot. I was telling Josh we have a little gymnast, she moves around soooo much more than Emma ever did. Emma was born at 38 weeks (the day I turned 38 weeks) so maybe I only have 4 weeks left???? Here is hoping. So it will probably be more like 40...or later....YIKES! So back to work means back to not blogging as much....or having that many pictures! I am cherishing the weekends again and BUSY during the week. Our school day now ends 45 min. later and it is amazing the difference. So now we don't get home until 5:00....I use to be home by 4:15-4:30 most days. So then we get home, make dinner, eat, have baths, have a little play time, read books and go to bed! It makes me a bit sad because this is also the most grumpy part of the day for the girls (as with most kiddos I think). Anyway, so I have about 2 hours with them before they are down at 7:00. The good thing is that our school day starts later so in the morning we don't have to rush as much and I usually don't have to wake the girls up; they can just get up on their own.
This week I had Back to School Night so the girls spent the evening with Nana and Buck. I met them for a quick dinner before I had to go back to work and then they went to the fountains at Southlands (which are FINALLY back on). Nana got a couple of cute pics...both girls looking a bit serious, but still cute!
Today is Saturday...I love the weekends! No rushing around in the mornings trying to get ready for the day, we can just hang out. So I have a few pics from this morning. Emma was being a little stinker and wouldn't let me take any good pics of her (actually for the past few months now!). So, I snuck in and got her sleeping...I just love to watch them sleep! What else???? Today is Josh and my 7th anniversary. He is gone trying to finish up a load that has been full of bad luck and because of that has taken wwwaaaaaaayyyyyy to long to do! Anyway, maybe we can go out just the two of us when he gets home. Loves her oatmeal!
Just being her cute self! I just love her smiley face!
Emma and her finger....ever since her two bottom teeth fell out she has sucked on her finger, usually just when she is getting sleepy.
So...the striped thing around her neck is a shirt, which she has only partly on. The past few days she has been wanting to dress herself, so this was an attempt at her shirt, she WOULD NOT take it off or let me fix it. She can put her shoes on now as long as they are undone all the way, she just doesn't tighten them up when she's done. She needs a little help getting her legs into the pants or shorts, but then she can pull them up herself. She's just getting too darn big!!!
Notice the finger in her mouth, her sippy, and her pink Winnie blanket....all MUST-HAVES for naps and night time! Off I go to cherish a few moments of alone time before the two princesses wake up from their naps!