Friday, May 28, 2010

School's Out!

I'm out of school for the summer for about 9 weeks! YAY! I am changing tracks for next year so I get longer this year. Kaylee had her 6 month check up this week. Here are her latest stats: 26.5 inches long (73%) 15 lb. 3 oz (29%) Her head in 17 in. (69%) I have started to call her our string bean....she's long and skinny! Kaylee has just started to get up on her hands and knees in a crawling position, I was trying to get a picture, but it didn't last.
We were able to break out some summer clothes this week and I just thought Emma looked so cute today (of course I'm not biased or anything), so these were the best shots I could get. You can also see my growing belly in the corner of the first pic.
I have to tell a short story about this one. Emma has turned a little OCD. She picks up little bits of trash, dirt, hair, etc. off of the floor and wants to throw them away. Anyway, there was a little stain on the rug that she was looking at and pointing to and she was telling me about it. This is right after that still looking a bit worried (I couldn't make it go away!). Also--more and more lately I feel like she looks like a little girl and no longer a baby. Makes me happy she is growing up, but sad also. They just don't stay babies for very long do they?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lots of Pics!

No writing today, just pictures (a lot of them....sorry!)
My 3 favorite people
Helping with the flower garden (thanks Dad)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Half a Year Old!!!!

Can you believe it? It seems like we were just waiting for the phone to ring to tell us that Kaylee was on her way and now it has already been 6 months! CRAZY! We can't imagine life without her.
So now that she is the BIG 6 months....what is she doing???? --Rolling all over the place --Scooting all over --Sitting (pretty much.....) by herself --Eating rice cereal --Just starting other solids (so far just avocados) --Just started wearing her 6 month clothes (she's a skinny-mini so they are a bit big around the waist) --Giggles and laughs at everything --Talking lots......I think we're in trouble!
Love to watch her sleep! She still loves to be swaddled!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

So it is the evening on my 2nd Mother's Day (3rd if you count me being pregnant on my 1st ) and it has me thinking about being a mom and reflecting a bit. So bear with me......scroll down to pics if you don't want to read my blabbing. It's crazy that 3 years ago I wasn't sure I would ever be a mom and now I am expecting my third child! God is amazing! Nick, Destiny, and my little angel were the first to make me a mom. Though these three are no longer with me physical, they will all have a place in my heart forever. They have helped to form me into the mom I am today. Emma Bean is our little miracle. When I had given up having any of our own.....what a surprise! She has such a sweet spirit and is so independent. She has such a mind of her own....which started from birth (coming 2 weeks early!). I love all the sweet hugs and kisses she gives Kaylee, she loves her sister so much!
Hug for Kaylee
Kisses for Kaylee
I love this one....look at them looking at each other
Kaylee Bug means so much to me as well! God had Kaylee waiting for us and I am so thankful that she came into our lives. She was meant to be ours and fits so well into our family. She is so happy and giggly, she makes me laugh all the time. I get lost in her big, brown eyes!
Waking up every morning and seeing my little girls is the highlight of my day. As the day goes and the craziness of life happens (and me losing my patience at times) I put the girls to bed and it brings me back to what it is all about---loving these little people. As we read books and snuggle before bed...I think is there anything better than this?!?!?!? Now....pregnant again, who would have thought? Not me! This one was definitely unexpected, but I am so happy! I'm not sure about this little girl yet. I do know that she isn't overly active (at least yet) and hasn't given me any troubles. So, only time will tell with this little one! Being a mom has always been something I knew I wanted to do. I had no idea that I would be led down the path that I have taken, and though some of it (well....a lot of it) was rough, looking back I wouldn't change anything.
Almost done.....just want to end saying Happy Mother's Day to all the moms that read the blog! Hope your day was great!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Tooth Fairy Visits......Already!!!!

During school today I got the dreaded phone call that no parent wants to get! That there was an accident involving Miss Emma! Apparently she was running and fell on her chin....and out came her two teeth on the bottom (in the middle). YIKES! Not even 1 1/2 and has lost her first teeth! I called the Dr. right away because I wasn't sure what to do. Anyway, they said as long as the teeth came out completely and that Emma didn't seem like she was in pain that there was no need to worry.......except she won't have any teeth there until her adult ones come 4-5 years! She is a trooper though and is completely fine, and I guess was playing almost immediately after the whole incident! Her third day at a new daycare and this happens!
So tonight the Tooth Fairy will visit and leave Emma Bean something special. Of course she won't remember, but she'll know when she gets older that she lost her first teeth when she was only 1 year, 4 months, and 16 days old! Her tiny little teeth!I was trying to get a good picture, she wasn't too happy with me! (as you can tell)
When she smiles or just looks at can't tell! I guess it's good it was the bottom ones!

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Surprise!

So I thought this weekend was going to be like any other normal weekend, nothing too exciting. BUT--Josh called on Saturday and said he was going to fly home for a few days! What an unexpected surprise! He came home at just the right time. I was feeling a bit sad and feeling sorry for myself....I love my girls, but some adult time is nice too----especially with my hubby! Our week ended with running out of propane! YIKES! We had no heat and no hot water for 2 days! I realized it Wednesday night and we didn't get our tank filled until Saturday morning. I had to take a couple of COLD showers! We made it through though! Josh usually keeps an eye on our tank (a lot better than me!) and since he has been gone I didn't even think about checking....Obviously! Lesson learned for me! Next week the girls start a new daycare. Our nanny got another job, so I had to find another place for the girls. All is good though! I found a wonderful in-home daycare that is near school. When visiting a few weeks ago Emma loved it! Now I just have to get up a little earlier to make sure to get all of us ready, out the door, and in the car by 6:45! I will end with a few pics: